CASPer Suite: Duet and Snapshot Insights

Medic Mind

CASPer introduces Duet and Snapshot as part of the CASPer Suite. Aim: Comprehensive assessment of applicants' character for interview invitations.

CASPer Suite

Currently used in postgraduate medical education programs. Being trialed by limited undergraduate medical schools.

CASPer Suite Overview

Snapshot: A one-way video interview tool. Applicants answer standardized questions to assess motivation and personality fit.

Snapshot Application

Snapshot aims to evaluate motivation, interests, and personality. Multiple reviewers provide an averaged score for objectivity.

Snapshot Evaluation

Duet: Assesses 'value-alignment.' Program leaders complete Duet, generating a 'fit profile' for applicants.

Duet Application

Applicants select preferred characteristics matching program values. 'Fit score' determined by matching responses with program leaders' profiles.

Duet Process

Advice for Snapshot: Prepare like a video interview. For Duet: Align responses with program expectations for success.

Preparation Tips

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