How To Study NCLEX RN

Girl writing notes for NCLEX.
A dedicated student prepares for a nursing exam.

Preparing for the NCLEX RN exam is crucial, especially considering recent trends. In 2019, a solid 88.2% of U.S.-educated candidates passed on their first attempt. However, by 2021, this pass rate dropped to 82.5%. That’s a significant decline in just two years. Pass rates took another hit in 2022, with an average of 80.9% for first-time U.S.-educated candidates and 66.6% for all candidates.

This data makes one thing clear: the NCLEX RN exam is becoming more challenging. But fear not! In this blog, we’ll equip you with the strategies needed to buck this trend and secure your own path to success. 

A Brief Overview of the NCLEX RN 

The NCLEX RN exam is the final hurdle on your path to becoming a registered nurse in the United States. To conquer it, you need a clear understanding of what you’re up against.

This exam is a computer-adaptive test, meaning the questions adjust in difficulty based on your performance. The goal is to determine if you have the knowledge and critical thinking skills required for safe and effective entry-level nursing practice. 

It’s crucial to know that the NCLEX RN doesn’t have a fixed number of questions. The minimum is 75, and the maximum is 265. You’ll have up to 6 hours to complete it.

Each question evaluates your ability to make decisions, prioritize care, and think critically in various nursing scenarios. Correct answers lead to more challenging questions, while incorrect ones lead to easier ones. Your score is determined by the level of difficulty at which you consistently perform at or above the passing standard. You need to meet this standard to pass the exam.

How to Craft Your NCLEX RN Study Plan?

Study schedule with sticky notes.
Organizing NCLEX study plan.

Preparing for the NCLEX RN requires a well-structured study plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a simple yet effective approach to creating your personalized study plan.

Assess Your Current Knowledge

Before diving into your study plan, take an initial practice test or self-assessment. This will help you identify your weak areas, allowing you to allocate more time to them.

Set Clear Goals

Establish specific, achievable goals for your study period. This might include setting a target score or focusing on mastering certain content areas.

Create a Realistic Timeline

Define a study schedule that considers your daily commitments. Aim for consistency rather than marathon study sessions.

Gather Study Materials

Collect the necessary study materials like textbooks, review books, online resources, and practice exams. Ensure they cover the NCLEX RN test plan.

Break It Down

Divide your study material into manageable sections, typically based on the NCLEX test plan categories. This helps you tackle topics one at a time.

Set Milestones

Establish milestones for each section, with specific completion dates. Regularly assess your progress against these targets.

Active Learning

Engage in active learning techniques, such as summarizing material in your own words, teaching it to someone else, or using flashcards.

1-1 NCLEX Tutoring
Personalised study plan and expert NCLEX tutoring with regular feedback and progress updates

Practice Questions

NCLEX exam study strategies.
The nursing team studies for the NCLEX.

Regularly incorporate NCLEX-style practice questions into your study routine. This helps you become familiar with the exam format and enhances your critical thinking skills.

Simulate Exam Conditions

As you approach your exam date, practice under timed, exam-like conditions to build confidence and test-taking strategies.

Review and Adjust

Periodically review your study plan and adjust it as needed. If you’re excelling in one area, allocate more time to your weaker subjects.

Remember, an effective study plan is about more than how many hours you study but how efficiently you use your study time. Tailoring your plan to your unique needs and consistently following it will maximize your chances of NCLEX RN success.

8 Tips to Stay Motivated and Stress-Free While Studying for NCLEX RN

Preparing for the NCLEX RN is a demanding journey that can test your motivation and resilience. Here’s how to keep your spirits high and stress levels in check:

1. Set Realistic Milestones

Stay motivated by setting achievable milestones throughout your study plan. Celebrate your victories, even the small ones, to keep your spirits high. These milestones will remind you of the progress you’re making.

2. Maintain a Healthy Routine

A consistent routine that includes adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet is essential. These habits can help manage stress, boost energy levels, and improve well-being.

3. Seek Support

Don’t go it alone. Reach out to fellow students, mentors, or support groups. Sharing your challenges and successes with others who understand your journey can significantly boost your motivation.

4. Breaks and Rewards

Frequent short breaks can help you recharge. A quick walk, a snack, or a few minutes of relaxation can refresh your mind. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method to maintain focus and reduce burnout.

5. Positive Self-Talk

Stay motivated by maintaining a positive mindset. When self-doubt creeps in, remind yourself of your achievements and capabilities. Positive self-talk can help you push through tough moments.

6. Manage Stressors

Identify your stressors and develop strategies to manage them. Whether it’s test anxiety or personal pressure, having a plan to address stress will help you stay focused on your goals.

7. Visualization Techniques

Visualization can be a powerful motivator. Imagine yourself confidently answering NCLEX RN questions and celebrating your success. This mental rehearsal can help reduce anxiety.

8. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Learn relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. These methods can reduce stress and help you stay calm during the lead-up to the exam.

Staying motivated and managing stress are critical aspects of your NCLEX RN preparation. Incorporating these strategies into your routine will keep you motivated and ensure you’re in the best mental state when it’s time to tackle the exam.

In a Nutshell

Your NCLEX RN journey demands not only dedication but also a well-structured plan. With the right strategies, determination, and hard work, you can conquer this critical milestone in your nursing career. Remember, a solid study plan, practice, and effective stress management are your keys to success.

If you’re looking for expert guidance, consider Medic Mind’s NCLEX tutors. With proven success, a personalized approach, and a money-back guarantee, they can be your partners in this challenging endeavor. Don’t leave your NCLEX preparation to chance. Take the first step toward your nursing dreams today.


How early should I start preparing for the NCLEX RN exam?

Answer: The ideal time to start preparing for the NCLEX RN exam varies from person to person. A general guideline is to prepare 2-3 months before the exam date. However, this might change based on your familiarity with the content, study habits, and schedule. Some candidates who feel confident with the material may need a shorter preparation period, while others who want to cover all their bases might need more time. 

What’s the best way to stay motivated during long study sessions?

Answer: Staying motivated during extended study sessions can be challenging. One effective strategy is to break your study time into smaller, focused segments using techniques like the Pomodoro method (25 minutes of study, followed by a 5-minute break). You can also maintain motivation by setting specific, achievable goals for each study session, such as mastering a particular topic or completing a set number of practice questions. Reward yourself for reaching these milestones to keep your motivation high.

Can I use multiple study resources, or is it better to stick with one?

Answer: It’s generally a good idea to use multiple study resources for a well-rounded preparation. Different resources provide varied perspectives and approaches to the content, which can enhance your understanding. However, it’s essential to maintain a balance. Using too many resources can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Stick to a core set of reputable study materials and add supplementary resources as needed to clarify specific concepts or topics.

What’s the role of baseline testing in NCLEX RN preparation?

Answer: Baseline testing is critical to identifying your strengths and weaknesses. By taking practice tests or self-assessments early in your preparation, you can pinpoint areas that need more attention. This allows you to tailor your study plan effectively. Instead of spending equal time on all topics, you can allocate more focus and effort to your weaker areas, ultimately maximizing your study efficiency and your chances of success.

Is it necessary to practice under timed conditions before the NCLEX RN exam?
Answer: Yes, practicing under timed conditions is essential. The NCLEX RN exam is time-limited, and each question must be answered within a specific timeframe. By simulating exam conditions during your preparation, you get accustomed to the time pressure and learn how to manage it effectively. This improves your chances of completing the exam on time and helps you develop critical time-management skills crucial for success.

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